Welcome to my blog

If you are interested to learn folkart and decorative painting, join my classes every thursdays and sundays 10am till 12.30pm. Fees is RM50 per class. Bring your own painting materials and supplies or you can get me to buy for you, if you haven't any yet.

You can contact me at email
zaitunramli@yahoo.com or call at 0173144532

Also, look out for the workshops which is organised from time to time, here in my studio and also at other towns/states.

Do visit my other blog Ye Oliveblue Shoppe, where I have some painted stuff for sale.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Updating Previous Events (cont)

The English Garden (August)

Besides painting, my other interest is ID. I had an opportunity to design an english garden concept for a client. It was a small, partially-roofed deck area which calls mainly for container garden. Most of the garden accessories are from Indahreka Cipta and of course the plaque Le Jardin Anglais, the english garden in french was painted by me. Enjoy the pictures!

Wanita Hari Ini (September)
I was invited to be featured in TV3 Wanita Hari Ini with Azlin, owner of Indah Rekacipta about painting on furniture last 8 September. That was my first experience in a live telecast programme. It was only a 10minute segment, therefore much that I wanted to share couldn't be said. But it was a fruitful one as subsequently there were many callers interested to learn. Indah Rekacipta will organise a series of painting workshops next year, hopefully. For those who are not familiar with the name Indahreka, they are a wholesaler in house decor items especially furniture, situated at Section 27 shah alam. Have a look at the screen behind me. Those who watched TV3'Semanis Kurma' on thursdays during the fasting month would have noticed the white furniture painted with floral design, sponsored by Indah rekacipta .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Updating Previous Events

I have missed updating certain events since last July. Here they are:

Vicky Nicholson workshop (July)
Craft Haven organised a workshop for decorative painters last July at Da Vincci Art Centre, the Curve. It was still about roses, but totally different technique and style. This is my 2nd workshop conducted by foreign decorative artist, last year I attended one by Sandra Smithers which mainly covered usage of different mediums to painting.
This time, besides learning the technique of strokes for the rose, we learned about using Magic Mix in painting, background and the roses too. Like the word says, it is like magic! Now I manage to achieve a smoother texture of strokes, especially painting larger size of roses and leaves. And it helps in doing a gradual shading to the background.

Though the course fee was quite steep, it is a lot more money saved than for me to go to Australia to learn a small project like this one. It was really value for money as I feel I have learned a lot and gained painting tips from Vicky, and has applied it to my recent paintings. I hope we will see you again in the near future, Vicky.

Congratulations Craft Haven for the success of the programme and hope that you will bring in more artists teachers from abroad next year. I had a wonderful time with other fellow decorative artists, met old friends and made new ones.

Art Demo at Amcorp Mall. (August)

I was invited to do a demo on decorative painting during the MERDEKA Carnival at Amcorp Mall. Nora and I turned up with our books for sale and some items as samples as we did not have the time to paint on short notice, or rather i did not have things for sale, Nora managed to paint a couple of plaques. Turn out was not good, probably it was too early (11am on a saturday), but I gained the experience and met some people interested in this field. And proud to see my name on the 'Events for today' board for the Merdeka Carnival, as soon as we entered the mall.. Yeah!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

ATTN: Email address changed.

On some technical problems, my email address have changed to: zaitunramli@yahoo.com
Thank you!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hari Raya is just around the corner. I am not really prepared. As long as the girls clothes are bought and sewn and cookies ordered and bought, im safe. I am still in the midst of painting customers items and trying to get all done before hari raya. Looks like some could be completed only after raya. Apologies, maaf zahir batin, he he.

Told myself that tomorrow will be my last day to complete painting projects for raya. I need to do some marketing on Monday, clean the house on the same day and cook for hari raya meals on Tuesday. Raya will probably be on wednesday. Hope I can squeeze sometime to get myself some new clothes, cosmetics, perfume and accessories, otherwise I will just have to do with the old ones.

I painted many items during the fasting month and love them, unfortunately they are all customers orders, fortunate for them though. So, bye bye beautiful things. Here are some of the things that I have painted recently. I especially love the trompe'leil cupbord in limewash background and the blue kettle with hanging teacups.
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin

Teacups and Teapots

'I like coffee I like tea'..., in my case I love teacups and teapots with or without coffee or tea.

I have a collection of them, some bought, some gifts and some family heirloom from my mum-in-law. It does not matter whether they are local or imported, old or new but I would choose my collection based on its shape and design, motif and colour.

I extended my interest by expressing them on to my painting. And its always such a pleasure to paint them as the result would be so rewarding. My customers love them too.

Olive Blue Treat

It was a pleasant surprise last 4th of July when my daughters threw me a surprise birthday party. They planned it all, told me they have their activities with friends and get their Aunty Shidah, a dear friend of mine to guide. I was overwhelmed with joy! Didn't know at this 'tender' age of mine that I have the most wonderful party, ever, at a very special place with special food accompanied with door gifts and Oliveblue theme and presents from friends. Thank you so much everyone especially my 5 beautiful babies, who made this day a very special and wonderful memory that I cherish and treasure. I love you all.

We Are In the News

Utusan Malaysia dated 9 july 2008 featuring us about our newly published book. Here's the Utusan Malaysia pullout -MODE (front page)

Cita Rasa Seni Tiga Sahabat

KEHIDUPAN sebagai pelukis dekoratif memberikan satu dimensi baru dalam kehidupan tiga wanita ini. Ibarat terapi dan kepuasan pada diri, satu demi satu lukisan dihasilkan di atas objek hiasan seperti, kotak tisu, almari kecil, kerusi sehingga mereka tidak sedar sudah puluhan lukisan dihasilkan. Tambah menggembirakan apabila hasil lukisan berkenaan mendapat pujian serta penghargaan dari ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan. Perasaannya memang tidak terungkap dengan kata-kata.
Pelukis dekoratif sebenarnya ialah pelukis yang menghasilkan lukisan di atas pelbagai item. Di Amerika Syarikat, tempat asal lukisan ini bermula, ia turut dikenali sebagai folk art atau seni rakyat. Biasanya lukisan tersebut dilukis pada hiasan rumah seperti almari, kerusi, perhiasan dinding, pinggan dan sebagainya.
Dalam seni ini pelbagai jenis teknik lukisan digunakan yang membolehkan benda biasa berubah menjadi satu hasil seni yang menarik serta mempunyai nilai yang tersendiri. Bagi kebanyakan pelukis yang terlibat dengan cabang seni ini mendakwa, setiap lukisan yang dihasilkan umpama ekspresi perasaan mereka, biasanya lukisan yang dihasilkan atas sesuatu barangan dihadiahkan kepada orang yang tersayang bagi menyatakan perasaan kasih sayang mereka.
Begitulah juga antara sebab mengapa ketiga-tiga sahabat ini memilih bunga ros sebagai motif untuk setiap hasil lukisan mereka. Bagi mereka bunga ros adalah lambang wanita yang cantik, bersemangat dan mempunyai keistimewaan yang tersendiri. Malah lukisan yang bermotifkan bunga ini juga sering mendapat tempat di hati penggemar lukisan seni dekoratif.
Bermula sebagai hobi mengisi masa lapang, kini, Aniza Khir Omar, Zaitun Ramli dan Norana Ghazali, semakin serius dengan seni lukisan yang sebati dengan darah daging mereka. Ketiga-tiga mereka merupakan isteri dan ibu yang masing-masing mempunyai tanggung jawab terhadap ahli keluarga. Kini dalam usia yang semakin matang dan anak-anak yang menginjak dewasa, mereka bijak memenuhi masa dan memanfaatkan minat menjadi satu kerjaya yang memberi kepuasan buat diri mereka sekali gus mendatangkan pendapatan sampingan buat mereka.
Jika dilihat dari latar belakang masing-masing, pasti ramai tidak menduga mereka boleh ‘terjebak’ ke bidang seni ini. Aniza contohnya adalah seorang bekas akauntan di sebuah syarikat swasta. Zaitun pula seorang lulusan kejuruteraan yang pernah berkhidmat sebagai pengurus sumber manusia, manakala Norana merupakan seorang bekas guru biologi.
Menemu bual Aniza, ibu kepada empat anak berusia 9 hingga 17 tahun ini, membuka kisah bagaimana seni lukis boleh terpahat dalam hatinya. “Mula-mula ia hanya hobi, kemudian menjadi ketagih pula. Selepas serius dalam bidang ini, saya nekad menambah ilmu dan seterusnya menjadi pengajar, sehinggakan di rumah saya tersedia satu sudut khas untuk saya melukis,” jelas Aniza yang gemar menggunakan motif bunga Inggeris dalam lukisannya. Aniza berkata, hobi ini boleh menjadi satu sumber pendapatan yang menguntungkan. “Seronok bila ada kawan yang ingin membeli hasil kerja kita. Saya memang banyak menggunakan motif bunga ros namun kini saya sedang bereksperimen untuk menghasilkan lukisan pemandangan,” jelasnya yang boleh menyiapkan lima lukisan sehari.
Sementara itu, Norana pula berkata, selepas berhenti dari menjadi guru kira-kira 18 tahun lalu, dia terus mencuba pelbagai aspek seni termasuk menjahit, kraftangan, seni sulaman dan macam-macam lagi. “Peluang mengikuti sebuah yayasan seni berkunjung ke Australia membuka lembaran baru dalam diri saya. Tiga tahun selepas itu dan dengan sokongan kawan-kawan, saya lebih fokus dengan bidang seni lukisan yang dipilih,” ujar ibu kepada empat anak berusia 16 hingga 25 tahun ini. Anak-anak Norana juga mempunyai bakat seni masing-masing, namun salah seorang anaknya yang berbakat dalam bidang animasi menjadi penasihat Norana dalam lukisan perspektif. “Sebagai ibu banyak menghadapi karenah anak terutama yang meningkat remaja, justeru itu untuk tidak menyakiti hati sesiapa, saya melukis dan ia ibarat terapi yang memberi kelegaan dari tekanan,” jelasnya.
Seorang lagi artis wanita, Zaitun berpendapat seni lukis ini perlu diminati barulah mendapat hasil yang memuaskan. Zaitun yang juga bekas pengurus sumber manusia juga berkelulusan bidang kejuruteraan ini suka menambah ilmu lukisan dengan menuntut ilmu daripada guru yang berbeza supaya mendapat teknik dan motif yang pelbagai. Kata ibu kepada lima cahaya mata berusia antara 8 hingga 25 tahun ini, beliau amat suka melukis pada perabot rumah.
Menulis buku
Peluang yang ditawarkan oleh seorang sahabat mereka, Yasmin Siddik, untuk menghasilkan sebuah buku tentang lukisan dekoratif ibarat bagai pucuk dicita ulam mendatang. Yasmin yang juga seorang penulis buku, mencadangkan agar ketiga-tiga sahabat ini mengumpul bahan untuk penghasilan buku pertama seumpamanya di Malaysia. “Buku tentang lukisan dekoratif memang tidak pernah dihasilkan di negara ini, jika kita ke kedai-kedai buku utama seluruh negara semuanya oleh penulis luar.
Jadi peluang yang ditawarkan oleh Utusan Publication & Distributors (UPND) disambut baik,” jelas Norana. Proses untuk mengumpul bahan dan teks mengambil masa selama lima bulan, manakala untuk susun atur, foto dan teks mengambil masa selama lapan bulan. “Insya-Allah pelancaran buku ini akan diadakan pada bulan Ogos dengan kerjasama UPND dan kami akan mengadakan bengkel lukisan dekoratif terbuka untuk sesiapa sahaja yang berminat,” jelas Aniza.
Buku yang diberi tajuk Decorative Painting, Amaze Yourself With Stunning Projects ini sesuai untuk semua peringkat pelukis sama ada yang baru bermula atau yang telah lama. Ia akan dipasarkan dengan versi Bahasa Inggeris terlebih dahulu sebelum dialih bahasa ke Bahasa Malaysia. Selepas dilancarkan kelak, buku ini boleh didapati di kedai-kedai buku utama seluruh negara dengan harga RM36 sahaja.

My First Book

Alas! My decorative painting book is out! Though out since last May, I am still celebrating, waiting for the book launch day tentatively scheduled for the coming 21 august . Most of my students, friends and family have got their copies. Thank you for your support.

Writing a book has been my dream. 15 years ago, I dream of writing a book, then about children's stories as my girls were young and growing up. But Mr Opportunity didn't turn up. Then when I started painting and reading books on decorative painting by foreign artists, the dream surface again and I was inspired to write the first Malaysian book on decorative painting . I share this inspiration with Aniza and she too had the same inspiration. But we just didn't know what to do until opportunty strikes when a friend led us the way to Utusan Publishers. Then it was just extra hardwork put in by my co-authors and I that we managed to write our first book.

Titled Decorative Painting - Amaze Yourself With Stunning Projects, my co-authors are my friends Nora and Aniza. Priced at RM36, the book is now available at MPH, Popular and Kinokunya nationwide. There is also a bookfair currently at Putra World Trade Centre and our book are amongst the many displayed there. You may also order the book directly from me, mailing cost will be added accordingly.

So, enjoy the book and Happy Painting